Open House in our residences
Portes Ouvertes en résidence - 15 septembre 2024, de 13 h à 16 h

Visit Le Groupe Maurice residences during our open house event (except Le Cavalier residence, in LaSalle). This entertaining afternoon will give you the chance to explore our selected residential complexes’ sublime living spaces. Your leisure, social life, security and privacy are all under one roof.

When? Sunday, March 16th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Come meet us !

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A year of exceptional encounters

|President's Blog

Dear residents, partners and friends of Le Groupe Maurice,

I am sharing with you the message I recently sent to Le Groupe Maurice employees to humbly acknowledge the significant year that 2023 has been for me. I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful 2024, equally warm, comforting and compassionate as the year that will soon come to an end.


Dearest Colleagues,

As we enter the holiday season, I’d like to take this opportunity to look back upon the closing year. For me, 2023 began with the determination to honour the trust you had just placed in me, by appointing me captain of your magnificent ship; a ship loaded with human principles that have continually proven their worth. But above all, it was a vessel into which you had invested your dedication, expertise and passion.

You are undoubtedly aware of the events in my personal life during the fall of 2022, requiring resilience for me to press on. It was then that I turned to you: I made plans to personally visit each residence within Le Groupe Maurice, without exception.

I did it 85 times.

If this number is so high, it’s largely due to your vibrant energy, zest for life and kindness which have acted as a soothing remedy for me; like a deep breath of fresh air that helps settle us when we’re uncertain. This mission, originally intended to be proactive and informative, has been a wonderful source of reassurance. You’ve inspired and enlivened me… you’ve brought a comforting warmth into my life.

With that said, every interaction with you this year, whether in residence or at head office, has been enlightening; revealing a deeper awareness of the beauty of human nature. You’ve reminded me that what I ultimately love most in this world, are people. That human contact is the fuel that propels me ever further. Our world needs each of us: in our differences, in our similarities, in our generosity. And above all, in our respect and tolerance towards each other.

What I encountered this year went beyond typical interactions between a president and employees, colleagues or residents. Instead, they were genuine human-to-human and heart-to-heart connections. These exchanges involved sincere discussions, invigorating handshakes, warm hugs, genuine smiles and even moments of shared laughter. Each interaction further solidified my dedication to working for and alongside you.

You reminded me that you were there. And that together, aboard our sturdy ship, we would face not only this storm but every storm – both yours and mine alike. I feel fortunate to sail alongside all of you, dear colleagues. Le Groupe Maurice has a remarkable crew of individuals with whom, believe me, one can find rejuvenation when needed. Our wealth lies in each of us, combining both our individuality and our unity.

Thanks to you, my unwavering confidence in humanity has deepened. I cannot express enough gratitude for this extraordinary year, marked by the exceptional customer experiences you deliver daily, your unwavering commitment to our shared purpose and your authentic embodiment of our values. Your loyalty and dedication to the residents are truly commendable. Above all, I’m grateful for your kindness, compassion and friendship. As we step into the forthcoming new year, I sincerely hope that together we recognize the fortune we have in each other’s presence.

I leave you with a simple and heartfelt THANK YOU.

Wishing you all a wonderful, enchanting and happy New Year.
