Open House in our residences
Portes Ouvertes en résidence - 15 septembre 2024, de 13 h à 16 h

Visit Le Groupe Maurice residences during our open house event (except Le Cavalier residence, in LaSalle). This entertaining afternoon will give you the chance to explore our selected residential complexes’ sublime living spaces. Your leisure, social life, security and privacy are all under one roof.

When? Sunday, March 16th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

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Meet the team!


Meet the exceptional team working at our newest complex for retirees in Montreal, Cornelius! They reveal their secrets and what they are looking forward to sharing with the residents.


Aurélie Flauw | Recreation manager

Settled in Montreal with her family since the summer of 2021, Aurélie Flauw does not miss France at all. Quebec has given her the balance in her life that she has long been looking for without even realizing it. So she is very enthusiastic about joining the CORNELIUS team.

Aurélie, what is your role at the CORNELIUS residence?

I’m the recreation manager. My role is to make the residents happy by offering them activities that match their interests and desires. I want them to do what interests them. My aim is to bring happiness to people in their homes.

What excites you most about this role?

I’m excited to be able to bring well-being to the residents. I want them to adapt well to their new surroundings so that they can feel totally at home and have a good time in their community. I also would like for them to get to know each other and to want to get out and about, and I’ll make every effort to encourage that.

What do you hope to bring to the CORNELIUS residence?

I hope to bring joy, good humour and fun. I want to see smiles on people’s faces. COVID-19 has put us all through a difficult time, so we need to learn to socialize again and not feel afraid. I’d like to see residents experience some joy again, and I’ll be here for them.

And why does working with the elderly appeal to you?

I feel like saying: why wouldn’t it appeal to me? Older people are so interesting and intelligent. They have so much to tell us and teach us! They’re also very resourceful. They will leave us a legacy that will help us with our daily lives.

What are you passionate about, Aurélie, outside of your work?

I started playing music when I was seven years old. I have been a clarinetist for several years. I played in orchestras in France, and hope to join one here in Montreal. Other than that, I enjoy sewing, crafts, embroidery – and I love to travel. I hate just sitting around in front of the TV. I like to be moving and explore the world. I’m always up for an adventure.

In closing, what message would you like to share with future CORNELIUS residents?

I’d like them to feel at home here. I’d like them to thrive in their community, in their village. I’d like them to wake up and say, “Wow, there’s this or that today!” I’d like them to feel excited about their days. My goal is to keep them smiling all the time!


Gaëlle Leduc | Rental and client service manager

A woman of action, Gaëlle Leduc has been working for a long time in the field of sales, promotion, management and leasing. For her, client service is a priority. Her motto? “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression!”

Why did you choose to join Le Groupe Maurice?

I’ve known about Le Groupe Maurice for several years now. When I was working at Équinoxe, in Laval, we would hear about this company; it’s the envy of the real estate industry because of its strong reputation, let me tell you. Recently, a friend told me that there were openings at Le Groupe Maurice, so I decided to apply as a leasing consultant at CORNELIUS. I ended up being hired as the head of the rental and client services department. I’m extremely excited!

What is it about this new adventure that makes you happy?

Here, we feel supported. We feel invested. There’s an incredibly strong sense of belonging. As employees, we feel highly valued, esteemed and taken care of. We get the training we need to reach our full potential. Plus, my job is great! It combines everything I love: sales, leasing, client service, marketing, personnel management.

So various aspects of this project are stimulating?

This is a wonderful project! Clients are friendly and kind. Of course, I understand that the situation isn’t always easy for them, because they’re leaving their homes. You have to be part psychologist when you work in a retirement home. I’m sensitive to their reality. I love the elderly. I find them touching. They have a lot to teach us.

What sort of connection do you have with the elderly?

I had an extraordinary grandmother whom I adored. I was almost always at her house. She was a terrific example for me. She was a lively, dynamic and kind person. She would take me on trips. I miss her every day. She and I had a special, close relationship. She was the best cook. And her jams… magnificent! Her pickles… superb! She was also a strong woman who ran a construction company. Without a doubt, my grandmother was my role model. That’s probably why I feel so comfortable around older people.

On more personal note, what are your favourite hobbies, Gaëlle?

I absolutely love spending time with my daughter, Charlotte; she left home last February. Aside from that, I enjoy going out with friends, going to restaurants, museums and downtown, and travelling… I’m not into hiking in the woods. Quietness bores me. I’m a city girl through and through!

What message would you like to share with future CORNELIUS residents?

As head of rental and client services, I will be a listening ear. My door is always going to be open. I want residents to think of me whenever they have a question or request. I’ll be available to help them. I’ll find the answers they need. I want to be their contact person!


Adnan El-Khoury | Food service manager

With 30 years of experience in the hotel and seniors housing industry, Adnan El-Khoury is eager to put his culinary talents to work for the residents of CORNELIUS. The Lebanese-born chef promises a menu full of colourful vegetables, flavourful meats, fine herbs – and happiness!

Adnan, tell me about your role at CORNELIUS.

At CORNELIUS, I cook and serve meals. I do both! I don’t just want to hand the dishes off to the waiters. I want to connect with the residents at their tables. If they have any comments, they can give them to me right away. I can make adjustments to dishes quickly. I want residents to leave the dining room having eaten well. I want them to like the food. My job is done when I see smiles on their faces.

Why did you choose to pursue your career at CORNELIUS?

I have a lot of respect for the organization. All the departments are structured. It attracts employees! If there are problems, Le Groupe Maurice always finds solutions. What a great model to follow.

Was your decision at all influenced by the fact that the General Manager of CORNELIUS, Olivier Tibika, comes from the hotel industry?

Yes, that’s one of the reasons I joined CORNELIUS. Before my interview with Mr. Tibika, I did some research. I’m very straightforward. I want to know who I’m talking to. I want to know the person’s experience. Mr. Tibika knows how a huge kitchen operates. He knows how I’ll work. He understands the requirements of the business. I was relaxed at my interview. When you walk into a company, you have to feel the warmth, and I felt that at CORNELIUS! I felt like I’d known the people for many years – I made the right decision to come work at CORNELIUS.

What would you like to share with the residents of CORNELIUS?

I’d like to share the spices and smells of my culture – I want to whet people’s appetites. I also enjoy presenting the dishes well. It’s in my nature to put my own special touch on meals. Then I asked the general manager if we could do weekly events centred around a different country each time, such as Italy, France or Mexico. I want residents to travel without having to jump on a plane. Aurélie, our recreation manager, even made up tickets that people will use to get into the dining room. I really liked what she did!

What sort of connection do you have with the elderly?

That’s a good question. It’s a little personal, but I don’t mind talking about it. I was unable to be with my parents when they passed away. So I made the decision to help the elderly because I didn’t have the chance to help my parents. I want to help people in memory of my parents. 

What message would you like to share with the residents of CORNELIUS?

I’d like them to know that I work for them. This is their home. This is their kitchen. I want to say thank you to them for letting me give my best. I’m all about bringing happiness to the residents.



Marjorie Hérard | Administrative technician

With a degree in project management and event planning, Marjorie Hérard decided to try her luck in administration after working as a recreation manager at the AMBIANCE residence. Today, she is happy to be pursuing her career at CORNELIUS.

Marjorie, you’re an administrative technician at CORNELIUS. What excites you about this role?

I have always had excellent organizational skills. Unfortunately, I have often felt like I wasn’t putting my talent to good use, if I can put it that way. I knew I needed a more people-oriented work environment. Here, it’s the best of both worlds! My work as an administrative technician is very straightforward, which is a perfect fit for me. At the same time, though, I have a very empathetic side. I have to feel that there’s a human benefit.

Why did you choose to work for Le Groupe Maurice?

Initially, I didn’t have a preference. I just wanted to work in the senior living environment. I knew I liked the clientele, because I had already been a waitress in a retirement home when I was in high school. Now, I’ve been with the Maurice Group for almost three years. Everywhere, people recognize that there’s a human warmth and synergy in the residences as well as a really great feeling of belonging among staff. At Le Groupe Maurice, I really feel like I’m in my element.

What sort of connection do you have with the elderly?

I have always been inclined to help society’s most vulnerable people. When I was 15, I wanted to be a waitress in a retirement home. My mother was surprised. I mean, what teenager wants that? But I was excited about helping others. Being there for people at some point in their day gave me a good feeling. I knew how important it was to them. I always wanted to make a difference, and that’s still what guides my choices today.

Tell us a little about your hobbies, Marjorie. What do you like to do outside of your work?

I’m an extremely quiet person. On weekends, I do jigsaw puzzles or build models. Recently, I started a meticulous miniature tea room. I can spend hours at a time on it. I enjoy quiet activities, like drawing or colouring. Reading a book and having a glass of wine on my balcony is a perfect way to spend my free time. Whenever a resident at AMBIANCE would come to show me pictures of their puzzles, I would always be impressed. I find it touching because I know how much work has gone into them.

What message would you like to share with future CORNELIUS residents?

We know that we’re working in their living environment. So I want to thank them for the place they will give us in their village. I would also thank them for helping us build a beautiful community. I’m really looking forward to getting to know them and spending time with them!