Open House in our residences
Portes Ouvertes en résidence - 15 septembre 2024, de 13 h à 16 h

Visit Le Groupe Maurice residences during our open house event (except Le Cavalier residence, in LaSalle). This entertaining afternoon will give you the chance to explore our selected residential complexes’ sublime living spaces. Your leisure, social life, security and privacy are all under one roof.

When? Sunday, March 16th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Come meet us !

Learn more

Here’s to you,
my cherished team…


As at every year-end, I took the time to write a message to the employees of Le Groupe Maurice. It has become a tradition. I am pleased to share this message in full here today.

I remember my letter to you last year at this time was filled with hope that 2021 would give us some breathing room. Unfortunately, that was not to be the case as the pandemic raged on. COVID-19 and its variants have continued to be ruthless. Sparing nothing in their path, among other things, they recently deprived us of the end-of-year celebrations that we were eagerly and enthusiastically awaiting. On top of that, construction costs continued to rise, forcing us to slow the pace of our projects. This year, trying to catch our breath, we also dealt with major societal issues, such as the labour shortage afflicting Quebec as a whole and threatening the survival of numerous industries.

2021 was by no means an easy year. Yet despite everything, I have to say that for me, it was one of the best for Le Groupe Maurice. It’s easy to shine and chalk up your successes when the stars are aligned. But to be able to keep our heads above water through such a tumultuous year while accomplishing so many great things –as our collective patience waned, our fatigue grew and the hits came left and right– now that my friends, is real success!


In 2021, the stars may not have aligned; but you were positively brilliant.

While we scramble to fill literally hundreds of positions within our residences, there has been no interruption or reduction in the quality of our offerings. Don’t think for a second that I take this enormous load placed on your shoulders for granted. The fact is, I can’t help but be moved by your unflinching level of commitment; day in, day out.

While it’s impossible to hug each other, never have you touched so many people’s hearts so deeply. Whether through the solidarity of initiatives such as Jérusalema, or through your overflowing compassion and kindness –which works wonders for so many people on a daily basis– you succeed in creating beautiful smiles behind our masks.

While we cannot come together, never have there been so many stakeholders involved and aware of the cause of the elderly. You, who have a front row seat, are the main reason! Your sustained mobilization, along with your unwavering dedication to better and healthier aging, help our society to grow and prosper.

In 2021, every little gesture was made grandiose because of your involvement. Each battle became a victory, thanks to your persistence. Each project became a success, thanks to your commitment. Each heartfelt initiative became part of a societal cause, thanks to your collective wisdom. All these successes, I proudly attribute to you. They are a testament to the gravitas and solidity of the 2,000 pillars of our organization, that you are.

Once again this year, we’ve been on the front line together. Not only to maintain the quality of life for our 12,700 Groupe Maurice residents, but for all the elderly in Quebec as well. I realize it’s difficult sometimes to see the results of our increased and ongoing efforts, but rest assured, you’re making all the difference. The countless positive comments I receive and the fact that –even in times of a global crisis– Le Groupe Maurice remains THE choice for thousands of older people, are examples of the faith our residents and their loved ones place in our banner. This guarantee of quality is the envy of many –thanks to no one else, but you.

I therefore begin this new year with an earnest request: Please keep telling me honestly and openly what you think… share your thoughts on what makes for a more compassionate world… and offer your solutions as to how we can better serve the society of tomorrow. In other words, my cherished team, continue to inspire me as you already do so well!

With my utmost respect,

Luc Maurice