Open House in our residences
Portes Ouvertes en résidence - 15 septembre 2024, de 13 h à 16 h

Visit Le Groupe Maurice residences during our open house event (except Le Cavalier residence, in LaSalle). This entertaining afternoon will give you the chance to explore our selected residential complexes’ sublime living spaces. Your leisure, social life, security and privacy are all under one roof.

When? Sunday, March 16th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Come meet us !

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It’s time for an “update”… As the fight against ageism continues!


Defeating ageism is an ongoing objective for us at Le Groupe Maurice. Year after year, we get involved to raise awareness of ageism in our society and help find solutions to fight against this scourge. For this reason we’ve decided, in collaboration with lg2 creative, to renew our powerful “I Am a Senior of Tomorrow” campaign, from March 13th to April 9th!


Ageism: Cultivate good habits and behaviours

Despite the aging of the Canadian population, ageism is today the most tolerated form of discrimination, according to the International Federation on Ageing. In fact, several studies have shown that as many as one in two people exhibit ageist behaviors towards seniors. And although it is present everywhere in daily life, this phenomenon receives far less coverage than it should in the mainstream media.

At Le Groupe Maurice, we are committed to shedding light on the negative attitudes towards ageing and the elderly present in all aspects of society. These attitudes take many different forms, so we encourage the public to continue their collective awareness-raising efforts and to “update” themselves frequently so as not to fall into the trap of ageism.


Be a part of the solution, one “update” at a time

In order to tear down the structures of ageism and better address our message, we’ve applied effective strategies through various communication channels:

  • In addition to broadcasting our television message “Let’s choose a world without ageism together”, two video clips are being aired denouncing the generalizations leading to ageism and warning of the many impacts they can have on seniors.
  • A series of ads, web banners and publications on social networks, including in La Presse+, have also been posted to reach a wide range of people and generate discussions around this often neglected and overlooked subject.
  • Finally, an online interactive carousel invites Internet users to discover examples of ageist attitudes. This is a simple way to stay informed and contribute to dismantling age-related contentions. For each completed carousel, the Luc Maurice Foundation will donate two dollars to an organization supporting seniors (up to a maximum of $25,000).


Words, as much as actions, affect how people see themselves and perceive others. That’s why it is crucial to pay attention to our behaviours and the way we speak… no matter the situation! With our campaign, we hope to change social views on aging by encouraging the population to adopt better habits towards the elderly.

Note that you can find our video clips and interactive carousel on our website Please feel free to visit the site to learn more about how to overcome ageism. By changing our habits and choosing to be part of the solution, we’ll be better able to build a society that is more respectful of seniors!