Open House in our residences
Portes Ouvertes en résidence - 15 septembre 2024, de 13 h à 16 h

Visit Le Groupe Maurice residences during our open house event (except Le Cavalier residence, in LaSalle). This entertaining afternoon will give you the chance to explore our selected residential complexes’ sublime living spaces. Your leisure, social life, security and privacy are all under one roof.

When? Sunday, March 16th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Come meet us !

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Luc Maurice Foundation Annual Report: 5 years already!

|Luc Maurice Foundation

Luc Maurice Foundation Annual Report

The Luc Maurice Foundation has been in existence now for 5 years. Throughout this time, it has been committed to supporting organizations that promote the well-being of seniors in Quebec. Over the past 5 years, the Foundation has taken action on several fronts and still has many other projects in mind. The publication of its annual report is an opportunity to review the balance sheet of its 2022 activities and highlight the Foundation’s successes since its inception!


Annual Report: A half-decade of making a difference

In 2022, the Luc Maurice Foundation (LMF) faced numerous challenges, but it also accomplished many great things. In addition to celebrating its fifth anniversary, it has raised close to $600,000 in donations and supported approximately 150 community organizations since its creation in 2017.

Over the years, the LMF has focused on vital projects that promote the well-being of seniors and offer concrete solutions to combat ageism. The Foundation has notably provided support to several exceptional organizations, such as Little Brothers, The Palliative Home-Care Society Foundation, The University of Sherbrooke School of Rehabilitation, the PAS de la rue organization, The Saint-Raphael Palliative Care Home and Day Centre, and many more…

“Besides its donations, which support our actions and our mission to help vulnerable seniors, the Luc Maurice Foundation demonstrated outstanding commitment once again this year. The Foundation was able to mobilize employees to offer hearty Christmas meals to users of our two-day centres and was generous in providing furniture for elderly individuals who, after a period of homelessness or vulnerability, were able to regain residential stability in a PAS de la rue housing,” says Vincent Morel, Executive Director of PAS de la rue.


A significant social commitment

In 2022, it’s worth noting that the Luc Maurice Foundation didn’t limit its support to organizations that solely focus on the well-being of seniors. As certain crises, such as the war in Ukraine, call for a worldwide response, the Foundation collaborated with Le Groupe Maurice to collect and donate significant funds to the Canadian Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal.

The commitment of Groupe Maurice employees and residences was particularly impressive this year, thanks to the donation matching program and volunteer initiatives undertaken. These include, among others, participation in the festive march of Un et un font mille in October, as part of Senior Citizens Day; the assembly and distribution of 6,400 Christmas meals to several organizations during the holidays; and the launch of a new study on ageing. In total, nearly $43,574 in donations were made by employees and residences to causes that are important to them!

“The Foundation has always focused on community involvement and works hard to encourage Le Groupe Maurice employees and residences to get involved with organizations active in their neighbourhoods. In 2018, the Foundation established a program to match their donations (…). Its evolution has been gradual, with 2022 marking a key milestone in its progression,” explains Matias Duque, Director of the Luc Maurice Foundation.


Working towards a brighter future

The goal of the Luc Maurice Foundation is to continue its mission by supporting projects focused on the health, socialization and empowerment of seniors – and by partnering with major research studies on the happiness and well-being of the elderly. As a prominent figure in the field of philanthropy, the Foundation has no intention of letting up anytime soon!

On the other hand, the LMF aims to collaborate with various levels of government to build 1,000 social housing units for the most vulnerable seniors within the next five years. The need is so pressing, that it is necessary to work together and take action now to offer a better future for Quebec retirees!

To learn more about the Foundation’s commitments or to make a donation to support the cause of seniors, please visit Your contribution will help create a better world!


You can find the complete Annual Report of the Luc Maurice Foundation HERE.