Open House in our residences
Portes Ouvertes en résidence - 15 septembre 2024, de 13 h à 16 h

Visit Le Groupe Maurice residences during our open house event (except Le Cavalier residence, in LaSalle). This entertaining afternoon will give you the chance to explore our selected residential complexes’ sublime living spaces. Your leisure, social life, security and privacy are all under one roof.

When? Sunday, March 16th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Come meet us !

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Olivier Michaud: Le Félix welcomes its new General Manager


In January, Le Groupe Maurice residence Le Félix in Vaudreuil-Dorion welcomed its new and dynamic General Manager, Olivier Michaud. Now Mr. Michaud is keen on winning the hearts of residents.

Mr. Michaud, you’ve been General Manager at Le Félix for several months now. Tell us about what brought you here.

Olivier Michaud: I come from the hospitality industry. When I was younger, I studied at the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ), and I spent many years working as an accommodation manager at Montreal hotels, including the prestigious Hotel St Paul. I was also operations director at Bota Bota spa-sur-l’eau in the Old Port of Montreal. I loved those experiences, but with the pandemic, I wanted to change direction and also be closer to work, since I live in Vaudreuil. Le Groupe Maurice’s values resonated with me and the idea of working in the private seniors’ residences sector appealed to me. I started working at the residence last October as an administrative technician. A few months later, when the general manager position opened up, I applied and landed the job! I’m really happy about that. Life can be full of surprises.

What stood out to you when you first arrived at the residence? Were you surprised by anything?

Olivier Michaud: What immediately caught my attention was how authentic and friendly everyone was. In the hospitality industry, and especially in luxury establishments, people are more reserved, even artificial. Your clients aren’t there for the long term. They come and go. It’s very different here. You have the time to get attached to the residents, and there’s a lot of human warmth that comes out of each relationship. That’s what makes my work truly meaningful. I want to help make their eyes light up from joy. Due to a combination of circumstances, there has been some turnover in the general manager role over the past year. Today, I want to create stability, strengthen trust and build a strong connection with the residents.

How do you plan to consolidate this mutual trust?

Olivier Michaud: I want people to know that they can always count on me. I often tell them that they’re always welcome to come to my office, even if it’s just for small talk. They have rich life experience and I want them to share it with me so I can learn more about them. I also go to meet them or join them for meals in the dining room. In other words, I’m all over the residence! Transparency is also essential in my view. For example, I make it a point to explain public health instructions to the residents as clearly as possible.

What’s your philosophy as General Manager?

Olivier Michaud: Besides good communication, I also encourage teamwork. Every employee plays an important role here and contributes to the well-being of residents. I see us as all equals, with no hierarchy, and our success depends on all of us working together effectively. I see myself more as a leader than as a boss. In my opinion, a leader encourages their team’s members to excel. That’s the role that I intend to play.

What is unique about Le Félix?

Olivier Michaud: It’s an extremely charming place, modern but with a lot of character. The magnificent winter garden is the perfect place to relax. The meals served in the dining room are also delicious and varied. In addition, the residence is located near the commercial heart of Vaudreuil, in proximity to lots of services. Not to mention the variety of activities offered to residents. In another life, I had the opportunity to work at Disneyland Paris, and that was where I learned how it was possible to create magic! I will apply this experience by creating events, moods and atmospheres—soon, we’ll have “country week” where everything will be centred on a country-western theme, which promises to be memorable. I don’t lack imagination and I’ve got enough ideas to fill several years!

Mr. Michaud, the residents are lucky to have you at the helm of their residence. Thank you for speaking to us and we wish you an amazing adventure with Le Groupe Maurice!