Open House in our residences
Portes Ouvertes en résidence - 15 septembre 2024, de 13 h à 16 h

Visit Le Groupe Maurice residences during our open house event (except Le Cavalier residence, in LaSalle). This entertaining afternoon will give you the chance to explore our selected residential complexes’ sublime living spaces. Your leisure, social life, security and privacy are all under one roof.

When? Sunday, March 16th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Come meet us !

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Perfect moments

|President's Blog

It wasn’t so long ago that I’d be taking selfies (often poorly framed!) to capture what I call “perfect moments.” These were magical times when I was surrounded by loved ones and nothing or no one could bring me down … I often thought I’d never feel that way again.

But thankfully, I was wrong. I’ve experienced so many perfect moments lately. I regularly witnessed the joy in residents’ eyes when they tell me how happy they are. Thank you, 2024, for bringing a little magic back into my life.



The past 12 months have reaffirmed the pride I feel in working for a company whose purpose is to foster happiness. What I’ve witnessed in residence this year has amazed me just as much as it did on my very first day, over two years ago. I remain in awe of the teams that manage to stay the course with such rigor and resilience, sparking authentic smiles day after day. For me, continuing to grow Le Groupe Maurice means working to multiply magical moments… perfect moments. Is there truly a better job than that? We’re magic makers! And we’re exceptionally fortunate to be doing this work.

But I know that happiness can be fleeting and doesn’t just occur on its own. There are people working diligently behind the scenes to make happy moments possible. For me, the secret to success remains teamwork – both at our head office and in our residences. Let’s face it, you can’t climb a mountain by yourself. I learned that first-hand this year, when I tackled not only Mount Kilimanjaro but also my own personal challenges (my internal mountain so to speak), which were just as tough as climbing the Kilimanjaro. There were several times when I literally “ran out of oxygen,” a common phenomenon when embarking on such a major ascent.

Climbing any mountain, whether it’s a personal challenge or a professional one, is a step-by-step process. It requires the right equipment, but more importantly, the right people who can provide support when needed. There will inevitably be headwinds, obstacles and situations that fill us with doubt and uncertainty. It’s in those moments that we must stop, assess the situation and ultimately continue on our way, returning to base camp to regroup. For me, our residences are that base camp; they’re warm, welcoming spaces that are all about kindness, comfort and joy.

I do make a conscious effort every day to choose happiness. That’s why I try to visit our complexes and connect with the residents and teams whenever I can. It’s uplifting, inspiring and gives me the energy to keep going and spread joy to others. My decision to get involved, specifically by establishing the Amélie Champagne Fund to support the Quebec Lyme Disease Association as well as support preventing psychological distress, is undoubtedly thanks to the support of my “base camps.” It’s a full-circle phenomenon: we create communities that bring happiness to people, and in return, they inspire us to pay it forward. We support each other, lift each other up. And that’s what gives me hope for the future.

I’m really excited about what’s to come. This year, we took a fresh look at our company values, and in 2025, we’ll keep bringing them to life across our organization. Of all the principles that demonstrate our commitment to treating people with kindness and integrity, the one that is closest to my heart, is kindness. You can feel it in every one of the residences, and I think that’s why people do so well with us. When kindness is at the heart of things, everything else just falls naturally into place.

My wish is for kindness to become second nature to us all; a solid foundation that spreads its benefits to every situation and interaction, without exception. And I remain optimistic! At Le Groupe Maurice, we’ve always prioritized know-how and values over professional skills. To me, being genuine, generous and respectful has always mattered more than having a perfect professional track record. So, could 2025 be the year of kindness, then? That is the grace I wish for all of us.

As we get ready to celebrate the start of a new year, I want to encourage you to reflect on your own personal journey. Think about the progress you’ve made climbing your own mountain, and keep moving toward the summit, one step at a time. Be mindful of each new step you take. Know your limits, respect them and don’t hesitate to lean on your teams when you need to catch your breath.

For 2025, I wish you an abundance of perfect moments – magical moments. And be sure to capture them all with amazing selfies!