Open House in our residences
Portes Ouvertes en résidence - 15 septembre 2024, de 13 h à 16 h

Visit Le Groupe Maurice residences during our open house event (except Le Cavalier residence, in LaSalle). This entertaining afternoon will give you the chance to explore our selected residential complexes’ sublime living spaces. Your leisure, social life, security and privacy are all under one roof.

When? Sunday, March 16th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Come meet us !

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Satisfaction survey: Le Groupe Maurice is listening to its residents!

|Client satisfaction

For a fourth consecutive year, Le Groupe Maurice conducted its annual Resident Satisfaction Survey. Its aim is to give residents a voice in assessing the services available to them, as well as their level of well-being in the Group’s various complexes. Care, recreation, administration, food, maintenance… each and every service was evaluated.

A satisfaction survey… that’s also eco-friendly!

Le Groupe Maurice’s Customer Experience Team works tirelessly to determine whether its quality of service offering fully satisfies the residents, whose ongoing happiness and development are essential to the company. It is for this reason that the Director of Customer Experience, Joëlle Richard, now conducts a yearly survey with the help of her team and a professional firm in measuring customer satisfaction.

“So that we may be consistent with our ESG values (Environmental and Social Governance), this year we conducted the entire survey digitally. Our goal is to dramatically reduce our paper consumption and take a more eco-responsible approach. Residents were therefore able to complete the survey on their own devices, via computers located in common areas, and also with the help of our employees who assisted them in this digital shift“, explains Joëlle Richard.

In fact, various initiatives have been put in place to support residents who need help in making their voices heard. A respectable 35% participation rate was achieved for this very first fully digital edition!

Life is good… at Le Groupe Maurice!

Among the many findings, it was noted that the care and recreation categories were at the top of the satisfaction charts. But the gold medal winner was the feeling of well-being in the residence! Suffice to say that well-being is very much alive at Le Groupe Maurice, with a score of 8.9/10! Year after year, we’re so proud to see our seniors so happy to live with us  – and that trend shows no signs of slowing down.

“Obtaining precise results within each category gives us the opportunity to focus on the things that need improvement, and thereby increase the satisfaction rate of all Le Groupe Maurice residents“, says Joëlle Richard.

With digital speed and efficiency, residence management teams have already deployed numerous initiatives to ensure we’re delivering services that meet residents’ expectations.

“Theories and findings aren’t worth much if they’re not followed up with concrete actions. It’s by working together on a daily basis that we’re able to generate such high levels of satisfaction in all our residences”, adds Ms. Richard.

Without the participation of our valued resident respondents, the work of Le Groupe Maurice would certainly not be as exciting – or as rewarding. The Customer Experience Team would like to thank everyone who participated in this important survey. The trust and well-being of residents are at the very heart of Le Groupe Maurice’s priorities; and we will do our utmost to surpass ourselves day after day, for years to come!