Open House in our residences
Portes Ouvertes en résidence - 15 septembre 2024, de 13 h à 16 h

Visit Le Groupe Maurice residences during our open house event (except Le Cavalier residence, in LaSalle). This entertaining afternoon will give you the chance to explore our selected residential complexes’ sublime living spaces. Your leisure, social life, security and privacy are all under one roof.

When? Sunday, March 16th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Come meet us !

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Seniors’ march: Le Groupe Maurice is committed to better ageing


Giving seniors their rightful place in society is a fight we’ve been actively engaged in at Le Groupe Maurice for several years now. The Montreal seniors’ march, organized by Un et un font mille and in which we have participated for the past three years, has become a must-attend event for anyone wishing to get involved in the cause of better ageing.

Mobilizing the community FOR and WITH seniors

In honour of National Seniors Day on October 1st, more than 600 men, women and children gathered at the Jeanne-Mance Park for a large walk for seniors. Many Le Groupe Maurice employees, as well as La Fondation Luc Maurice representatives, participated, and seniors from 14 Le Groupe Maurice residences joined them to celebrate this special day.

This year, a number of committed political, corporate and artistic guests were invited, including Alain Champagne, President and Chief Executive Officer of Le Groupe Maurice. In addition, MNA for Prévost, Minister for Health and Minister Responsible for Seniors Sonia Bélanger, actress Louise DesChâtelets and musician Grégory Charles took part in the festivities and speeches. Chef Danny St Pierre also awaited walkers at the end of the route in the La Fontaine Park, to wrap up the event on a gourmet note!

Living and aging together

Montreal was not the only city to get involved for and with seniors. Several walks organized by Le Groupe Maurice residences were also held in various cities across the province, to enable as many people as possible to celebrate seniors and make their voices heard. The seniors’ march in Quebec City with the Margo, Le Gibraltar, Quartier Sud and Ékla residences attracted a hundred of participants, under a perfectly radiant sun!

At all the walks, many Le Groupe Maurice participants wore their Choisissons ensemble un monde sans âgisme t-shirts and proudly waved their signs with strong messages in solidarity with seniors and the fight against ageism, like:

  • Dear ageism: it’s over between us!
  • Ageing well, ageing together!
  • Respect has no age. It’s for everyone!

Better ageing is a societal issue that concerns us all. By helping to raise awareness of the well-being of seniors today, we’re helping to find tomorrow’s solutions and meet the challenges raised by aging in Quebec. We’re proud to have taken part in the 2023 seniors’ march and would like to end on a poetic note, inspired by columnist Stéphane Laporte: “Old age is not a nightlight. Old age is a radiant light. It’s at the end of the day that the sun shines the brightest.”

seniors’ march

seniors’ march

seniors’ march

seniors’ march

seniors’ march

seniors’ march

seniors’ march

seniors’ march

Marche des aînés

Marche des aînés

Marche des aînés

Marche des aînés

Marche des aînés