Open House in our residences
Portes Ouvertes en résidence - 15 septembre 2024, de 13 h à 16 h

Visit several of Le Groupe Maurice residences during our open house event. This entertaining afternoon will give you the chance to explore our selected residential complexes’ sublime living spaces. Your leisure, social life, security and privacy are all under one roof.

When? Sunday, September 15th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Come meet us !

Discover our participating residences

The Luc Maurice Foundation: At the heart of the action

The Luc Maurice Foundation (LMF) has as its mission, to support organizations that work tirelessly to contribute to better aging across Quebec. It encourages projects that promote the well-being of older individuals and celebrates their valuable contributions to society. The release of the Foundation’s 6th Annual Report allows us to review its key achievements in 2023.

Solidarity is a priority

Each year, the world faces a multitude of challenges. Some are gradually overcome, while others require a more sustained effort due to their deep-seated roots in the community. The plight of older persons is a prime example, and it’s precisely the focus of the Luc Maurice Foundation’s Annual Report.

To age is to live. But it’s also about enjoying life, taking action and contributing. Although this notion is obviously true, it doesn’t seem to be deeply ingrained in people’s minds. To establish optimal conditions for better aging in the long term, the LMF has launched several calls to action and solidarity over the past year.

“Even if we’re filled with good intentions, it’s time to listen and take real action to make our society more inclusive and respectful of the diversity and individuality of older individuals who make up and enrich it. Together, let’s ensure that Quebec is not only a great place to live, but also a society where aging is cherished,” says Matias Duque, Director of the Luc Maurice Foundation.

In 2023, the LMF continued its commitment to several charitable organizations, focusing its efforts around 5 axes of support:

  • Ageism
  • Combatting isolation
  • Socialization and empowerment
  • Health and dignity
  • Personal involvement

Inspiring initiatives

The aging of the population is a global phenomenon that affects us all. We know that in just two decades Quebec society will be one of the oldest in the Western world. With this in mind, the Luc Maurice Foundation is committed to sustaining organizations that take concrete actions to address the challenges we will soon face.

To effectively combat ageism, the LMF has established a scholarship fund dedicated to primary schools that educate their students about aging. It has also been involved for the sixth consecutive year with Intergeneration Quebec, an organization that deploys annual initiatives promoting intergenerational and intercultural understanding, bringing together people from all over the world.

In addition to its traditional commitment to the Senior’s March created in 2020, the LMF continues to invest in two multi-year university research projects aimed at better understanding older people and the factors contributing to their happiness. These highly meaningful projects give seniors the opportunity to express their experiences, raise awareness and inform public policies on aging.

As the population ages, we can unfortunately expect an increase in the number of people living alone. The reasons for this isolation are varied and can lead to social disconnection, as well as a loss of self-esteem and severe health issues.

Several organizations are working to significantly mitigate these problems. Little Brothers, PAS de la rue, Cap Diamant Foundation, Haitian Community Bureau, Zootherapy Community Centre, Montreal Geriatrics University Institute, and Palliative Home Care Society are among the groups supported by the Luc Maurice Foundation.

Philanthropy plays a vital role in improving numerous social issues for the LMF, and it is crucial to continuously encourage it. That’s why, regardless of the cause that the employees and residents of Le Groupe Maurice decide to support, the Foundation automatically doubles the amount of contributions through its donation-matching program. This year, the donation rate by residents and employees has reached a record high of over $70,900. Thank you all! Our volunteer work strengthens the Luc Maurice Foundation’s determination to continue its efforts toward a better world.

To learn more about the Foundation’s initiatives and view the complete Annual Report, please visit