Care Units
The care you require
Even though we all want to remain independent for as long as possible, at some point, we may need a little help to accomplish our daily tasks or maintain our lifestyle. From a simple helping hand to partial or complete supervision, we offer care services to help you feel calm and cared for.

As your health needs change…
Most of our residences have care units to assist you when new or greater health needs arise.

… we adapt to them
If other health concerns emerge, know that our care units can also welcome you for short stays, such as during a convalescence.

For your daily needs
All of our residences also offer optional, à la carte care services for autonomous residents. This tailored service, provided by a highly qualified care team 7 days a week, will meet your health needs.

Knowing you, makes for better care
A person’s history, habits and hobbies are what make them unique. We believe that knowing our residents well, is the key to offering them the personalized health support they require.